should be A 17-Year-old from Florida, behind the large-scale hacker attack on Twitter accounts of many Prominent mid-July. The youth was arrested on Friday in Tampa on the West coast of the American state, as the Prosecutor’s office announced. He had been attack by the “mastermind” behind the “Bit-Con”hacker, among other things, that the accounts of Ex-President Barack Obama, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, and Tesla chief Elon Musk captured had been. Overall, the justice accused on Friday a three-Suspects – in addition to the 17-Year-olds, a 19-Year-old from the UK and a 22-Year-old from Orlando, Florida.

On the hacked accounts on 15 was. July, a call appeared to be transferred within 30 minutes Bitcoins to the value of $ 1000 (880 Euro). Supposedly, this should be a repayment of double the amount rewarded.

According to prosecutors, the 17 is supposed to have captured-Year-old so Bitcoins worth more than $ 100,000. Against the young 30 charges have been filed, among other things, fraud, misuse of personal information and unauthorized Intrusion into computer systems.

The 19-Year-old with the nickname “Chae won” to be laid of conspiracy, fraud, money laundering and access to a protected Computer to load. The 22-Year-old with the nickname “Rolex” is accused of aid to access to a protected Computer. The investigations by several state prosecutors ‘ offices in the United States.

“The crimes were committed by the names used by famous people and Celebrities, but these are not the main victims,” said the Region around Tampa Prosecutor Andrew Warren, head of the investigations against the 17-Year-old. “This ‘Bit-Con’ was designed to steal money from ordinary Americans across the country, including in Florida.” He added: “The massive fraud was organized here in our backyard, and we will not like.”

doubt as to Twitter’s security measures

Twitter had stated after the attack, 130 user accounts had been attacked “in one way or another”. 45 accounts, the Hacker would assume “the control and send Tweets”, and can change words. Of the eight accounts, personal data had been downloaded. In addition to Obama, Gates and Musk, also a presidential candidate Joe Biden, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and Rap Star Kanye West were affected.

According to the short message service could give the hackers access to the systems, after they deceived a Twitter employee by telephone and the disclosure of sensitive information had to be enticed. The attackers took advantage of “human weakness”.