Moscow is betting in eastern Ukraine that Kiev’s forces will be “exhausted,” says President Zelensky. Kremlin forces are attacking in several areas. Several people are also killed in the south as a result of air and rocket attacks by the Russian side.

According to the Russian armed forces, they have gained ground in eastern Ukraine. The administrator of the Russian-controlled parts of Donetsk province, Denis Puschilin, said the troops had gained a foothold in the mining town of Wuhledar. Ukraine’s General Staff said Russia had carried out intensive airstrikes and three rocket attacks in the past 24 hours, including one on Kharkiv in the north-east of the country. In addition, Russia is continuing its offensives in the areas of Bakhmut, Avdiivka and other places in eastern Ukraine, it said. Attacks near Wuhledar were repulsed.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy admitted that Ukraine is in a difficult situation in Donetsk and needs faster arms deliveries and new types of weapons. “Russia wants the war to drag on and exhaust our forces. So we need to make time our weapon. We need to speed things up, speed up supplies and open new weapons to Ukraine,” he said.

Russian airstrikes on Ukrainian locations in the south and east of the country again resulted in deaths. According to Ukrainian sources, three people died in a rocket attack in the southern Ukrainian city of Cherson. At least one person was killed when a rocket hit an apartment building in the city of Kharkiv, according to the region’s governor, Oleg Synehubov.

Zelenskyj discussed the impact of the Russian missile and drone strikes with Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen in the southern Ukrainian region of Mykolaiv. Russia over the weekend accused the Ukrainian military of deliberately attacking a hospital in a Russian-controlled area of ​​eastern Ukraine, killing 14 people. Ukraine did not respond to the allegations.