After ten years as artistic Director of the Bavarian radio, explains Ulrich Wilhelm, he will not run for another term in office. He is about to leave the station, therefore, expected to be in seven months, in February 2021,. In a press release of BR dated Friday, Wilhelm is quoted as follows:”After careful Consideration and carefully weighing the arguments Pro and contra I – admittedly with a heavy heart – decided not to stand for a further term of office as a BR-Director available.”

He was convinced, “that in February of next year is the right time to pass the house,” the report says. “The decisive stages of our conversion process and the regionalization are successfully completed.”Wilhelm stands since 2011 at the top of the transmitter. The lawyer and Journalist, was previously a government spokesman of German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). Made his own professional future, Wilhelm is no information.

The Director is elected by the broadcasting Council. Official candidates, there are not yet in place. The election is currently at the earliest for the autumn meeting of the panel on 22. October expected.Proposals may not make the 50 members of the broadcasting Council. The a minimum six-week period running from the request by the Chairman. Possible internal as well as external candidates. The Council is composed of political, ideological and social groups. To BR around 3500 include Employees, 1700 workers in similar Free and 400 fees receiver. In terms of numbers, the transmitter is the fourth-largest ARD broadcasting institution in accordance with WDR, SWR and NDR.