
Bombardier Challenger 650 Aircraft Sold to Medevac Firm for Emergency Evacuations

Bombardier Defense has confirmed the sale of a Challenger 650 aircraft to Germany’s Aero-Dienst for the purpose of emergency evacuations. The order was announced on June 6, 2024, marking a significant development in the aviation industry. The aircraft is set to be modified as a dedicated air ambulance for Aero-Dienst, a subsidiary of the German automobile association, ADAC.

The Bombardier Challenger 650, known for its reliability and versatility, will play a crucial role in providing medical transportation services to ADAC’s customers worldwide. With its impressive range and short-field performance, the aircraft is deemed as the perfect choice for time-sensitive missions such as medical evacuations.

The modification of the Challenger 650 will include cabin space for up to four stretchers, making it well-equipped to handle emergency situations with efficiency. Aero-Dienst’s Managing Director, Oliver Kosing, expressed enthusiasm about integrating the aircraft into their ambulance service, highlighting its performance capabilities that align with their flight profiles.

ADAC Versicherung’s Board of Management member, Sascha Petzold, emphasized the importance of investing in a new aircraft to enhance their services for ADAC members and policyholders. The Challenger 650’s long range will enable ADAC to extend their services globally, showcasing their commitment to providing top-notch assistance to their clientele.

This strategic partnership between Bombardier Defense and Aero-Dienst signifies a significant step towards bolstering emergency response capabilities in the aviation sector. The Challenger 650’s adaptation for medevac purposes underscores the industry’s dedication to ensuring swift and efficient medical assistance during critical situations.