The Corona-crisis has sharpened the interest of young people for nursing and social professions. By the vibration of the previous course has moved the assessment of occupational fields, obviously. The results of a survey of the Sinus-Institute “children’s day – care and nursing-an attractive profession?” on behalf of the Federal Ministry for family Affairs, for the 1010 young people online were interviewed.

Heike Schmoll

Political correspondent in Berlin, responsible for the “formation of worlds”.

F. A. Z.

“I don’t think that a bit has changed, but I believe that it will permanently be like that”, said a 20-year-old man. Career is for young people important, but not an end in itself. Almost a quarter of the young people could imagine to work in the children’s day-care or nursing.

The most important criteria of the young people for the career choice be met in the social Professions only partially: you rate, the more development and career opportunities of this profession is critical and perceive the content as too low. A Central role in the Career choice of the parents and friends play.

the Federal Minister for family Affairs, Franziska Giffey (SPD) said: “the past months have shown us that nurses and educators of our society are doubly relevant to the system: you will not only be highly qualified, but in addition, the compatibility of family and profession for millions of mothers, fathers and relatives.”

According to the survey, especially female young people with lower and middle educational qualifications are in nursing Professions, interested. The interest of the young people with high educational qualifications and in the case of the young men has yet to be awakened. Since there is a training allowance, there is a growing attractiveness as a second training. Problems, the low salary and the lack of development remain, and opportunities for advancement. “Here, we want to come up with countries and collective partners,” said Giffey, who referred to the large differences in the pay of kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers.