Between 1,293 and 3,267 positions could be eliminated within the Casino group, depending on the number of large format stores and logistics warehouses not yet sold which will find takers between now and September, the distributor announced on Wednesday April 24. specifying that a thousand jobs would be preserved at the Saint-Etienne headquarters.

The “reorganization project”, presented on Wednesday to staff representatives, “provides for 1,293 net job cuts within the group’s head office functions, including 554 in Saint-Etienne”, Casino said in a press release. The group’s historic headquarters, in Saint-Etienne, would retain “1,010 positions out of 1,564 currently”, specifies Casino, which also has headquarters in Vitry-sur-Seine (Franprix brand), Clichy (Monoprix) and Bordeaux (CDiscount). .

To these net reductions could be added, “in the absence of finding buyers”, up to 1,974 positions eliminated if the hypermarkets and supermarkets which have not been sold to Intermarché, Auchan, Carrefour, as well as certain platforms logistics, cannot find buyers by the end of September.

Job saving plan

Casino, which still employed 200,000 people worldwide and 50,000 in France at the end of 2022, saw its workforce shrink over the course of the sales in recent months and after the sale of almost all large format stores to the competition . The distributor – which fell at the end of March into the hands of Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky and his allies, billionaire Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière and the Attestor fund – is also almost no longer present abroad.

The social and economic committees of companies affected by employment protection plans (PSE) have been summoned to a meeting scheduled for May 6 where “an information-consultation procedure prior to the implementation of a draft job protection plan”, details the distributor. At the same time, negotiations “on the content of the job protection plan will be initiated with the trade union organizations representing the said companies”. Casino “will propose a phase of voluntary departures for the employees concerned” by a PSE “presenting a professional project, in order to limit as much as possible the number of forced departures”.