Dust Extraction Systems: The Corridor Cleaning Solution

Corridor cleaning in dust extraction systems: What is it?

It is a cleaning system designed and implemented to provide customers with ease of execution, reduced cleaning times, and resource savings.

These characteristics make it one of the best solutions that customers could install in their dust collection systems.

In this article, we will explain why, by delving into the specific mechanisms of how the cleaning system works.

Corridor Cleaning in Dust Extraction Systems: How Does It Work?

As mentioned earlier, extraction systems are designed to operate using different methods, which can vary based on:

  • the production layout of the company where they are installed.
  • The company’s needs.
  • The associated advantages in various stages of the production process.

An additional opportunity is also the possibility of equipping dust extraction systems with corridor suction hoods installed along the production line to further facilitate cleaning operations.

Such a solution has only recently gained traction in the converting sector, making it a market innovation that is increasingly appreciated.

The cleaning system is implemented by providing corridor hoods that cover the entire length of the line as much as possible.

The measurements are appropriately sized to be efficient and optimized according to the company’s needs and the system’s operation.

This consideration is particularly relevant with respect to the capacity of the filter/fan.

The corridor where the cleaning hoods are positioned is on the motor side of the line: an area where operators do not work continuously since they mostly operate from the service side, which is the opposite side.

In this type of configuration, the suction hoods can be activated manually or automatically while the line is stationary.

Corridor Cleaning in Dust Extraction Systems: what’s the advantage?

To better understand its operation, let’s compare the cleaning operations of dust extraction systems with and without the corridor cleaning system:

  • Without corridor systems, when the line is stationary, operators use compressed air guns to blow the dust off the machines onto the floor. At this point, the dust is collected using manual or handheld vacuum cleaners, an operation that takes a considerable amount of time to perform properly.
  • With corridor systems, however, operators enter the line, blow the dust onto the floor using compressed air guns, and direct it towards the corridor hoods positioned on the opposite side of the entrance. At this point, each industrial suction hood immediately draws in the dust and particles. Of course, the corridor hoods need to be activated before the operator enters the line for cleaning.

For even greater efficiency, the dust extraction systems can include the combination of corridor suction hoods and blowing bars.

This configuration allows for automatic dust removal, further reducing cleaning times and costs.

In addition, dust extraction systems with corridor cleaning offer safety and functionality during use.

In fact, they are positioned in a way that minimizes obstruction in the operators’ passage areas and can be walked on without any risks.

But these are just two of the advantages of the cleaning mechanism we are discussing; among the various benefits offered by this dust removal system are also:

  • Ease of implementation and maintenance

Corridor cleaning of dust extraction systems is a simple and effective system that requires minimal maintenance.

  • Non-invasive system

Each production line can be selectively cleaned, area by area, reducing disruptions to the overall production. Moreover, with the automatic dust removal mechanism mentioned earlier, cleaning can take place during operations without interrupting the normal activities of the company.

  • No increase in the filter’s airflow capacity or fan-related power consumption

Consequently, there are no costs associated with increased energy consumption.

  • Reduced cleaning times and simplified operations

Corridor cleaning makes the cleaning of production lines easier and reduces the time required for cleaning.

  • User-friendly operation, efficient final results, and resource savings Corridor cleaning of dust extraction systems provides several benefits to converting industry companies, where production processes generate a considerable amount of dust and particulate matter.

Let’s quantify these benefits in numerical terms: with corridor hoods, daily manual cleaning time is halved compared to lines without corridor hoods.

As a rough estimate…

Typically, companies dedicate three operators for slightly over an hour of work for cleaning. The time varies depending on the client, dustiness, and specific needs.

With corridor hoods, the daily cleaning time is reduced to 30-40 minutes, still with three operators.

This also translates to increased productivity as line downtime is reduced.

Companies appreciate corridor cleaning for all these elements, which is also shared by the operators who spend less time cleaning production lines, work in complete safety, and with greater simplicity.