
The U.S. Agency for International Development (DFC) is set to establish a permanent office in Ukraine by the end of the year, according to Halyna Yanchenko, a member of the Committee on Economic Development. Yanchenko shared the exciting news following a meeting in Berlin with John Moren, Senior Advisor to DFC’s Chief Operating Officer for Ukraine.

During the meeting, discussions revolved around the expansion of projects covered by military risk insurance, with a focus on private companies launching energy projects in Ukraine. Yanchenko expressed optimism about the future collaborations with DFC but refrained from disclosing specific details at this time.

Reflecting on the progress made, Yanchenko highlighted the significant shift from the initial skepticism about DFC’s involvement in Ukraine to the successful implementation of the war risk insurance system in 2023. She credited this achievement to the collective efforts of diplomatic initiatives and support from international organizations like DFC and MIGA.

The establishment of a permanent DFC office in Ukraine signifies a milestone in the partnership between the United States and Ukraine. This move is expected to facilitate further investments in various sectors, including energy, health, infrastructure, agriculture, small businesses, and financial services. With the first seven Ukrainian projects already receiving war risk insurance from American agencies, the collaboration between DFC and local businesses is poised for growth and development in the coming years.

Yanchenko’s comments underscore the importance of courage and persistence in overcoming challenges and transforming seemingly impossible tasks into achievable goals. As Ukraine continues to strengthen its ties with international partners like DFC, the prospects for economic growth and sustainable development in the country are promising.

The expansion of DFC’s presence in Ukraine is a testament to the growing cooperation between the two nations and a step towards fostering greater economic opportunities and stability in the region. The establishment of the permanent office is expected to streamline the process of accessing financial resources and expertise from DFC, enabling Ukrainian businesses to pursue innovative projects and contribute to the country’s overall prosperity.