The major international Bank HSBC, the device appears to be difficult between the fronts of the escalating conflict between China and the United States. The financial group saw at the weekend forced to justify to the Chinese Public and made it clear, according to a report in the Financial Times, to have the controversial Chinese network equipment supplier Huawei is no case provided.

Wechat His opinion posted to HSBC on the popular Chinese Alltagsapp: “The chronology of the events in the case of Huawei shows absolutely clear that HSBC has initiated no investigation of Huawei”, it said. The Review of Huawei by the us government had already begun long before HSBC was involved in the case.

from The Chinese network equipment supplier Huawei has pulled out because of its aggressive international Expansion, the attention not only of the American government. Washington sees the company as an Instrument of the Communist party and the Chinese military and because of its important role for the digital infrastructure as a risk to public safety. Huawei pointed out that to be a strictly private enterprise. The shares belong to a large part of the Huawei employees, there is no state involvement.

arrest of a key person

A highlight were the American actions against Huawei, with the arrest of Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou reached in December 2018 in Canada. The Americans accuse her, to have economic sanctions against Iran bypassed. The Manager is the daughter of the powerful Huawei’s founder, Ren Zhengfei. The Chinese in the capture of this key person is, apparently, a political and economic hostage-taking, at least in the opinions of Canadians in the people’s Republic was followed by then.

HSBC was caught in the maelstrom of events, because the American Ministry of justice, the Bank had requested information on the Huawei Manager Meng alleged sanction violations. Chinese media have accused HSBC, therefore, to have Huawei lured into a trap.

Regardless of how absurd this accusation sounds, it could be for the Bank to be dangerous, to be the anger of the Chinese Public is exposed to. HSBC sits in London, 80 per cent of the profits of the company according to the Financial Times but from its Asia business. Chinese customers and business partners respond sensitively, when Western companies to challenge the Chinese national pride.