If they’re called all-terrain, why can’t they work in the snow? When snowbanks pile up and the roads get a glassy coating of ice, you need to consider how you’ll remain safe on the road. Driving with all-terrain tires may work in most cases, but do they handle well in snowy conditions? Discover the distinct advantages of snow tires and find out how you can get great deals on all your wheel tire packages today.

What’s the Difference?

All-terrain tires provide reasonable traction and rugged capabilities in most weather conditions. From smooth highways to bumpy gravel roads, they’re a great investment that offer you a balance of traction and fuel economy. However, there are a few distinct differences between all-terrain tires and snow tires.

First, snow tires are created with a unique rubber specifically engineered for freezing temperatures. As rubber cools, it can become tense and brittle. This could lead to cracking and quickly damage your tires. While all-terrain tires have a thick, puncture-resistant rubber, they won’t hold up as well in freezing conditions. You’ll experience long-lasting performance if you trade out your all-terrain tires for snow tires in the winter.

Snow tires also use a squared-off shoulder design, rather than a rounded one. Deep grooves and a wider shoulder help with snowy conditions, while the mid-range traction and rounded shoulders of all-terrain tires may increase your risk of hydroplaning and loss of control.

Advantages of Using Snow Tires

Your new snow tires help you grip in deep snow or slick ice. These highly specialized tires offer distinct advantages in preventing you from hydroplaning or getting stuck in a snowbank. If you switch to snow tires and use them only in winter conditions, they can last longer than your all terrain tires would if they were consistently exposed to freezing temperatures.

Disadvantages of Using Snow Tires

Specialized tires may work great in a particular set of circumstances, but can’t beat the all-purpose nature of all-terrain tires. Snow tires suffer when it comes to driving on smooth, snow-free roads. Squared-off tires shoulders offer too much traction, which can cause your fuel economy to suffer.

Similarly, the aggressive traction found on snow tires can quickly wear out when driving down the highways and clear city streets. Snow tires may perform admirably in winter driving conditions, but don’t throw out your all-terrain tires for these specialized ones.

Shop for the Best Tires for Your Ride

Ideally, your vehicle should have a good set of both types of tires. All-terrain tires work well in any driving condition for most of the year, from dirt roads and rainy streets to high-speed highway commutes. However, snow tires are an excellent way to stay safe throughout the winter.

Compare both types of tires and look for other truck parts online. Find out how you can save by ordering the best brands of tires online, and prepare your vehicle for another blustery winter of snow and ice. Keep your vehicle moving forward safely and trade out your all-terrain tires for a precision set of snow tires to conquer snow drifts and navigate ice patches with confidence.





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