White smoke in the negotiation of the collective agreement for department stores. After the ultimatum of the unions, which had threatened the employers with the possibility of calling strikes in the companies if they did not agree to their requests, the employers have agreed to approve a wage increase of 17% in 4 years. An improvement that from the union flank they qualify as “historic”.

The table that negotiated the largest collective agreement in the country -affects 230,000 workers throughout Spain from companies such as Carrefour, El Corte Inglés, Alcampo, Leroy Merlin, Ikea or Apple- has reached an agreement this Friday afternoon.

The agreement establishes a salary increase of 17% over the next four years, 14% corresponding to the fixed increase and 3% to a single payment. In 2023 a fixed 4.5% will be paid, in 2024 a fixed 4.5%, in 2025 a fixed 3% and in 2026 a fixed 2%. The single payment, for its part, will be paid at the beginning of the years in which the agreement will be in force, corresponding to the previous year, according to sources in the negotiations.

According to Antonio Pérez, general secretary of Fetico, the sector’s majority union, this increase places workers “at a minimum wage of 18,000 euros per year at the end of the agreement.” “That was our goal and we have achieved it,” he emphasizes. In addition, salary concepts such as diets are increased, the payment of the vacation bag is increased by 29% (450 euros) or teleworking by 40% (35 euros).

The other major subject of debate has been the reduction of Sundays and holidays to work, where the current percentages have been reduced to 30%, this being the retail agreement where fewer Sundays and holidays are worked in Spain, according to the unions. . Thus, 50% will go to work up to 15 openings (two Sundays less), from 16 openings to 25 40%, from 25 to general opening 30% and in general opening a number of 22 Sundays to which a Saturday is added. Free coupled with Sunday off.

Antonio Pérez, as spokesperson for the social roundtable, points out that “this sector is a pioneer in the drastic reduction of Sundays to work, which also encourages the increase in part-time hours, which is one of the endemic ills of the country’s labor system.”

In addition, the agreement improves conciliation with an 8-hour permit that is extended in its use to dependent people or people over 70 years of age to accompany them to medical emergencies, increasing from 6 Saturdays and Sundays off to 9 Saturdays off per year. It covers a concern for equality, job security or women victims of gender violence who in case of transfer will have 750 euros of help. In addition, the sector’s evolution observatory will guarantee a commitment of 90% permanent employment and adaptation to the needs of the sector in the coming years.

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