With the preparations to host a new edition of the Mobile World Congress in its final stretch, Fira de Barcelona has presented this morning the results of last year, in which the institution consolidated the recovery of its activity and achieved an operating profit of 36.9 million euros, which is the highest ebitda in its history.

Likewise, the income achieved in 2022 reached 211.4 million, a figure that represents an increase of 235% compared to the previous year and that is close to 219 million euros in 2019, the last year before the crisis caused by the covid pandemic.

“These are numbers unimaginable a year ago”, said the general director of Fira, Constantí Serrallonga, who has described the year 2022 as the year of “the recovery of activity”.

One of the key factors in achieving the record gross profit last year was the celebration of Alimentaria, a biennial show that returned to the fairgrounds four years after its previous appointment, due to the cancellation of the edition scheduled for 2020.

During the past year, Fira de Barcelona hosted 250 events, some of the first international level, such as the MWC or the Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) audiovisual fair. Its managers hope to consolidate in 2023 the figures achieved in the past year and point out that the recovery of the numbers prior to the pandemic will come when international business trips return to the level of that stage. Thus, they have explained, in 2022 the Fira events had a somewhat lower influx than that registered in the events prior to the Covid crisis due to the lower presence of visitors from the United States and China.

Beyond the economic results, the president of Fira de Barcelona, ​​Pau Relat, has assured that one of the milestones of 2022 was having achieved the renewal of Mobile until the year 2030. The manager has highlighted “the institutional complicity between administrations” to to get it.

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