The PP has cried out this Tuesday against the “makeup” of the unemployment figures. In the opinion of the main opposition party, the information revealed by EL MUNDO about the existence of 443,078 inactive discontinuous permanent workers who are not counted as unemployed in the official statistics confirms that the Government “had a great desire to hide the data” in recent months , being negative.

The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, has assured in a press conference in Congress that this information shows that “not only was there makeup” of the strike, “but there was also the concealment of data on the people who are permanent discontinuous inactive and are excluded from unemployment.” The data existed. It has been the Ministry itself who has provided the information that the vice president has been hiding for months “, she has had an impact.

“We have been denouncing for many months that the unemployment figures were made up because a piece of information was being hidden, that of the inactive discontinuous permanent workers, after the labor reform the concept changed and therefore the volume of people who are under that umbrella”, has detailed the number two of Alberto Núñez Feijóo. “More than 15% of the unemployed make up” in Spain, he has warned him.

If it is against, does the PP commit to changing, if it governs, the way registered unemployment is counted so that in the future the inactive discontinuous permanent staff are also counted as unemployed? Gamarra’s response has been a resounding “yes”. “Of course. Above all, after the labor reform, which has meant that hundreds of thousands of temporary contracts that previously counted as unemployment are counted as discontinuous permanent ones and no longer count.” “That makeup was hiding a social reality that is there, and our commitment is to change the statistics so that they respond to the truth,” he detailed.

In this sense, the PP has registered the request for the appearance of the second vice president and labor minister, Yolanda Díaz, to account for these data on discontinuous fixed. “We are being lied to every month because almost half a million people are hidden from us. And it is very serious that 40% do not even receive a benefit. That the minister give explanations, and we will also demand that from now on the unemployment data look at all the inactive discontinuous permanent Spaniards, because obviously their situation is that of job seekers”, insisted the also spokesperson for the PP in Congress.

The PP Deputy Secretary of Economy, Juan Bravo, has criticized the Executive after learning the data: “They insulted us for saying that the Government was making up the unemployment figures. Once again it is discovered that we were right,” he tweeted. “We need a government that cares more about the well-being of its citizens than about looking good in the photo,” he added.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo met this Monday in an aside with Bravo, within the PP Management Committee, to analyze the “make-up” of the unemployment data revealed today by EL MUNDO and that “confirms that the number of unemployed in this country was 15% higher in January than what was recognized by the Government of Spain”, according to PP sources.

The Executive’s parliamentary response to senators Teresa Ruiz-Sillero and Ana Alós confirms that there are 268,402 discontinuous permanent workers who, in addition to not working, are receiving unemployment benefits. Another 174,676 discontinuous fixed neither worked nor received the unemployment benefit. In the case of discontinuous permanent workers who are inactive and collecting unemployment, the figure shot up from 72,592 to 268,402. Almost quadruple.

The deputy secretary of Organization of the popular, Miguel Tellado, has pointed directly to the second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, who had criticized Feijóo for speaking of “make-up” and “double counting” in the registered unemployment figures. The Minister of Labor had considered Feijóo’s statements “an aberration”. “He is not prepared to rule,” she said.

“Mrs. Díaz, you should apologize for the accusations you made about Feijóo when you denounced her makeup in the unemployment data,” Tellado tweeted. “If you really want to Sumar, join the millions of Spaniards this afternoon who are clamoring to reform the law of Only yes is yes,” he added.

At a press conference in Congress, the PSOE parliamentary spokesman, Patxi López, has assured that he “did not know the news” and that he will comment on it when he reads it.

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