Naturgy and Enagás Renovable have presented the project for the new green hydrogen plant in La Robla (León), whose production capacity will reach up to 280 MW.

The new plant, which will be built on the old Naturgy thermal power plant -currently under dismantling since its closure was authorized in 2020- will have an investment of 485 million euros and it will not be until 2026 when it is estimated that its construction will start .

“This project will allow the production of renewable hydrogen to be developed, promoting a quantitative leap to develop economies of scale and, therefore, optimize its costs and yields,” explained Silvia Sanjoaquín, director of New Businesses at Naturgy.

The act attended by Sara Aagesen, Secretary of State for Energy of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge; Laura Martín Murillo, director of the Institute for a Just Transition; Santiago Dorado, mayor of La Robla; the CEO of Enagás Renovable, Antón Martínez; In addition to Sanjoaquín, emphasis has been placed on the potential of this project, which will prevent the emission into the atmosphere of more than 430,000 tons of CO2 per year, contributing to the decarbonization of the industrial processes of companies in the area and the creation of new jobs in this area hit by depopulation.

The construction of the green hydrogen plant thus reinforces the commitment of Naturgy and Enagás Renovable to the energy transition and to the mining regions within the framework of the just transition after the cessation of precisely these activities and that of coal-fired power plants. “We have a value chain, we have a productive fabric, we have talent, with all of this we can respond to Europe”, stated the Secretary of State, who also highlighted the importance of placing La Robla on the renewable map.

This renewable project is aligned with the decarbonisation objectives of the European Union, Spain’s renewable hydrogen roadmap of the Just Transition Strategy, and the recent RePowerEU Plan to promote energy independence in the European Union. “This project reinforces our commitment to the energy transition and will allow us to support the decarbonisation of the industries in the area, which will also be able to benefit from the efficiencies generated by the increase in production capacity”, explained Antón Martínez, CEO of Enagas Renewable.

The maximum capacity of the renewable hydrogen production plant was 60 MW, the existence of potential industrial consumers in the area and the proximity to the future hydrogen pipeline trunk network will allow the electrolysis power to be increased to 280 MW. Green hydrogen is mainly obtained from electrolysis, a technique that consists of separating hydrogen from oxygen in water through renewable electricity. A process that is powered entirely by clean energy, therefore it does not generate any type of polluting emission into the atmosphere and produces the cleanest and most sustainable hydrogen.

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