The echoes of the Mediator case haunt the PSOE and the Government. This alleged corruption plot stands out on the political agenda, with the Socialists defending their actions – expulsion of the deputy leader of the plot Juan Bernardo Fuentes Curbelo – and the opposition finding political ammunition. Pedro Sánchez defends the action of his party in this case, and defines it as “clear, resounding and immediate.”

The Prime Minister, visiting Denmark as part of a tour that this week will also visit Ireland and Finland, wanted to defend the PSOE’s way of proceeding against the PP in a case of alleged corruption. «When there is an action on the part of a political person in charge that does not correspond to the exemplary standards that are demanded by the PSOE, the action is clear, resounding and immediate: the seat is withdrawn and expulsion from the party. I would like the rest of the parties to do the same.” Without going into more detail or delving into what electoral cost this case may have for his party.

His message to the PP is part of the Government’s strategy of trying to build a firewall that avoids eroding and damaging its image, when there are less than three months left for the municipal and regional elections, appealing to the cases that exist in the popular formation: the mayoress from Marbella; the imputation for corruption of the president of the Consell de Ibiza and the request by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office for 15 years in prison for the former popular minister Jorge Fernández Díaz for the Kitchen case.

A strategy that is used these days by all the socialist members of the Government. The head of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, followed the same line yesterday when defending that the PSOE “has done and said what it had to do and what it had to say” in this regard because “when it finds a rotten apple it immediately expels it from the basket ». “We have nothing to fear and nothing to hide,” he said, unlike what, in his opinion, the PP does, which, “when it finds a rotten apple in the basket, it keeps it and lives with corruption in a completely normal way, perhaps because they have something to fear or something to hide.

However, the feeling has spread in the party that the scandal was not properly “dimensioned” and it was believed that with the sudden resignation of Fuentes Curbelo a “controlled blasting” was carried out. It is also considered that they are transmitting an image of “nervousness” when explanations should be given with “seriousness and rigor”. In addition, internal sources see an “error” in that it is trying to circumscribe an issue that exclusively affects the Canary Islands.

The persecution of this firewall led the spokesperson in the Senate, Eva Granados, to travel to Marbella yesterday to make visible this opposition that the PSOE is pursuing. “There is a clear difference between the PSOE and the PP in the face of corruption,” she emphasized, “when President Pedro Sánchez turns around in Congress, he does not see a single comrade who is related to corruption. However, when Feijóo looks back from his seat in the Senate, he finds himself the mayoress of Marbella ». For the PSOE, Alberto Núñez Feijóo “is not here to ask for explanations but to give them.”

Sánchez alluded to the Mediador case to questions from the press after his meeting with the Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen. An appointment in which both countries signed a declaration on cooperation in green energy to accelerate the green transition.

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