France is far from being the country where life is most expensive in the world, according to a recent study carried out by the specialist site Numbéo. Discover at the end of the article the ranking of the 10 countries where the cost of living is the most expensive in the world. 

Unsurprisingly, it is the Western countries, more economically developed, where life costs the most. Here is the European ranking where the cost of living is high:

Faced with the high cost of living, there are tips, especially when going to the supermarket checkout. First of all, prepare your shopping list beforehand to target only what you need and avoid any temptation once the shelves are in front of you. Also go shopping on a full stomach. With a half-empty stomach, many products, particularly sweet and fatty, could attract your attention and be added to your initial basket. 

Another piece of advice is to act on the period in which you are going to buy certain products or services. Take seasonal purchases against the grain, by checking out when these same products are less popular. For example, fans, which are very popular between May and September, are sold at higher prices than in winter. And it works with many products: barbecue, deckchair, car chain… A way to save money. Finally, paying with cash can give you more control over your money. With a bank card, the ease of payment is such that we sometimes forget what purchases we made with it. 

Here in our slideshow below are the 10 countries where the cost of living is the highest internationally in 2024, according to Numbéo: