at the end of last week, the daily newspaper “the Guardian” took the apology from the British Central Bank for the involvement of previous Directors in transactions with the slave trade to the occasion, a number of large companies, to denounce, which would also benefits after the abolition of slavery in 1833, of the business, such as through compensation payments to slave owners. A few days later, the historian Trevor Burnard, head of the head of the abolitionist movement, William Wilberforce, named and in his birth city of Hull established Wilberforce Institute for the study of slavery and emancipation, wrote a letter to the editor. He contended that the Guardian had failed, curiously, to mention the most important thing, in slave shops Board engaged a member of the Bank of England.

Gina Thomas

feuilleton correspondent, based in London.

F. A. Z.

This Sir Humphry Morice was a leading slave trader at the beginning of the eighteenth century, the London counterpart to Bristol Edward Colston have been the gestürztes monument to the first trophy of the images of the towers protests after the murder of the African-American George Floyd in the United States. Burnard suggested that the Bank of England should publish the extensive files on Morices participation in the slave trade, in order to give information about the “dark origins” of the assets of some of its most important founders. Thus, the Institution could give your empty excuse for these Compounds a credible Foundation.

with respect to the abolition of child labour

However, Burnard would have been able to take a more immediate example for the Concealment of a dark Chapter of history. In the current debate, “the Guardian has set” a high moral horse. Among the myriad of Reports and comments, a reference to the fact that the “Guardian” was self-financed with income from the slave trade, however, the middle of nowhere. In the year 1821, founded a newspaper has its origin in Manchester, the center of the cotton industry, which was of slaves harvested raw materials from the American plantations On this basis, the assets of John Edward Taylor, of the hob with the other members of a circle of liberals, the “Manchester Guardian” from the baptism rested. The sheet emerged from the aftermath of the Peterloo massacre in the history of received suppression of the large Demonstration for parliamentary Reform and against the grain duties in August of the year 1819.

to be Under the editor-in-chief of Taylor’s state-of-the “Manchester Guardian,” however, soon the reputation of the “Bible of the cotton-ruler”, because the blade hit the side of factory owners and against the claims of outlines of lectures, to improve the appalling working conditions. The newspaper reflected the abolition of child labor and spoke out against universal suffrage. As the historian Guy Walters pointed out in a post for the “Mail on Sunday”, continued the newspaper, even after the death of Taylor in 1844, their commitment to “illiberal concern”, as urged in the same year the end of the strike of the cotton factory workers to return to work.

Petition with the title “Shut down The Guardian Newspaper”

several years Ago, the Guardian columnist Martin Kettle the upcoming 150 took. Anniversary of the outbreak of the civil war on the occasion, “to leave my comfort zone” and to consider the then position of his newspaper. Kettle wrote, that it could hardly complain of expensive editorial to introduce than that of the sheet in 1865, after the assassination of the American President Abraham Lincoln. In it had been that one could not speak about his presidency only as a series of actions, “the standing of every true idea of basic rights and human freedom”. Kettle argued, to see the editorial in the historical context. The leader writer had to write about “immensely difficult matters”, which today rate as unsolved and difficult to.

In the present debate the “Guardian” this balanced attitude to miss. It relies on the values of your long-standing editor-in-chief C. P. Snow, who wrote for the centenary of the newspaper to Exist, you have not only a material existence but also a moral. Strangely, do not seem to apply these standards in their own right. Although, in the meantime, several Newspapers on the Connections to slavery have pointed out, and a Petition with the title “Shut down The Guardian Newspaper” was even able to collect more than 24,000 signatures for the monument to fall in receivables reflecting Petition for the closure of the newspaper, remained several requests for an opinion, so far, unanswered.