In 2024, significant developments will transform the landscape of these precious aids. The Planet Editorial Team is taking stock of these changes for you, in order to help you better understand and anticipate the impacts on your daily life.

Today, 570,000 home helpers enable French people losing their independence to stay at home while benefiting every day from the best possible living conditions. This support is crucial to guarantee a decent quality of life and maintain the independence of people with disabilities.

Staying at home is a priority for many families. Indeed, staying at home allows you to keep your bearings and maintain vital social ties. Home helpers play a vital role in assisting with daily tasks and providing valuable moral support.

Financing home help can be a challenge for some families. Various allowances and financial aid exist to alleviate this burden. Among them, the Personalized Autonomy Allowance (APA) and the Disability Compensation Benefit (PCH) partly cover the costs of home help.

Prices for home help vary according to several criteria, including the level of dependency of the person being helped. For people in good health (GIR 5 or 6), the hourly rate is often aligned with the minimum wage. On the other hand, for individuals in total dependence (GIR 1), the costs can be much higher.

The Planet editorial team now invites you to discover everything you need to know about home help in 2024 for people with disabilities.