The Peruvian Congress postponed until Tuesday the debate and voting, initially scheduled for yesterday, of a bill to advance the general elections to October of this year, which includes presidential and legislative elections.

“By order of the President of the Congress of the Republic, the plenary session will continue on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, the Legislature announced through its official Twitter account.

The decision to postpone the parliamentary session was announced six hours after the chamber approved, with 66 votes in favor, 44 against and 6 abstentions, to reconsider the vote that last Friday rejected the electoral advance bill.

After the vote and prior parliamentary debate, the president of the Constitution Commission, Fujimori Hernando Guerra García, asked for an intermission room to meet separately with each of the political parties to present a different text that could generate greater consensus.

Until now, among the groups that have expressed the greatest rejection of the proposal to advance elections for this year are the ultra-conservative Renovación Popular and the centrist Acción Popular, as well as Peru Libre, the self-proclaimed Marxist party that in 2021 brought former president Pedro Castillo to the power.

The debate and vote on this legislative initiative were scheduled for this Monday, but were finally postponed until Tuesday, when Parliament will re-evaluate the project, for which the support of 87 of the 130 congressmen that make up the Peruvian chamber is required. .

If approved, the opinion must be submitted to a vote again in the following legislature, as it is a constitutional reform.

The president of the Council of Ministers, Alberto Otárola, declared this Monday that the Government of Dina Boluarte is “waiting for the decision of Congress” on the request to advance elections for this year and that they are “sure that there will be a way out” of the crisis political and social that has shaken the country in recent months.

On Sunday, in a message to the nation, Boluarte announced that if Parliament does not approve this bill, it will immediately send two projects so that the general elections can be held anyway this year, as the protests in the streets demand. .

The demonstrations, which in less than two months have claimed the lives of 65 people, also demand the resignation of the president, the closure of Congress and the convening of a constituent assembly.

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