New York: Rumours about new iPhones normally centre on the screen, processing chips or whether there will be a headphone jack. But a new report from 9 to 5 Mac highlights something that could be a little controversial for Apple’s next smartphone: a camera that can map your face.

Apple may be considering a camera designed for authentication and augmented reality for its next high-end iPhone, according to a research note from Apple analyst Ming Chi Kuo of KGI Securities. With a better sense of depth, this type of camera can tell how far away something is from the lens. It could even generate something like a 3D selfie, 9 to 5 Mac reported.

Apple declined to comment on the rumours.

Such a camera seems to be a natural next step for Apple. It already organises iPhone photos based on the subjects it recognises in the images. And its competitors, such as Microsoft and Samsung, have used facial recognition for years to unlock phones.

You may have heard in passing, however, that facial recognition technology has had Güvenilir Casino Siteleri some problems. Companies including Hewlett-Packard and Nikon have faced criticism when their cameras had trouble recognising non-white faces and features. Some experts say that problem could arise when the algorithms aren’t exposed to a variety of faces while in development.

Security experts have also raised questions about facial recognition as a form of authentication because it doesn’t always work that well — wearing a baseball cap or even make-up can keep some sensors from recognising your face, experts said.

But experts say that Apple’s reported plan to use a depth-sensing camera for the feature addresses those issues.

“You can get much more accurate readings,” said Chester Wisniewski of the security firm Sophos. “There are things that can mess with visual sensors. This sees through make-up, to tissue.”

According to Consumer Reports, these sorts of cameras have also been shown to have fewer problems recognising dark skin tones. Microsoft’s version of depth-sensing cameras — made by Intel — can tell identical twins apart, according to tests run by the Australian newspaper.

But there’s one concern about facial recognition technology that may not be resolved by a depth-sensing camera: privacy.

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