if You want to be Berben Iris, as she appears in “Supergirl” by Rudolf Thome in an orange jumpsuit at the edge of the forest near Munich, and a car is waiting for you to take. It comes from the third planet in the constellation Alpha Centauri, and the first driver you will be forfeited, as will all the other that follow it, until you eventually have enough of the earth and back into space disappears.

Andreas Kilb

feuilleton correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

The 1970 was, in the same summer, in which you can Let also with Franco Nero and Fernando Rey, Sergio Corbuccis spaghetti Western “kill us, Companeros” in front of the camera, in a time of which the young awakening mind appears to us today almost unimaginable. You have to be in the movies fall into it, has Iris Berben told later on, and also the films by Rudolf Thome, and Klaus Lemke were in a cinema to fall, tried to defy its economic decline with aesthetic daring.

Iris Berben, the three boarding schools flown girls from Hamburg, was nine of ten, as in Lemke’s terrorist drama “the arsonist” with Margarethe von Trotta and Thomes crime Comedy “detectives” with Uschi Obermaier in front of the camera, she looked gorgeous and spoke with a voice that seemed to actually come from space. The camera loved her, and there seemed to be nothing that could stop them.

decline of the German film Berben

But then the reality of German film to hit hits. Thome, Lemke and the other eccentric lost pots the fight to the conveyor, and Fassbinder, Schlöndorff and Herzog, the new top dogs in the cinema, were not interested in Iris Berbens magic.

Within a few years the actress was the only employer that prospered in the crisis, at the German television. In 1977 she performed in “Derrick”, in “The Old”, and as Michael Pfleghar you 1978 for his Comedy series “Two heavenly daughters” dedicated, had you format your Role, the Femme fatale with hints of Comedy, found.

Or better: The Format had to be found. Because the TV industry does not dismiss anyone from his stereotype, it wants to be. the same as often and for as long as possible Therefore, embodied Iris Berben for forty years, young, middle-aged and older middle-class women with murder, money, and love desires, the frightened lawyers, men eating widows, business women in Midlife Crisis.