Lieferando is the largest food delivery service in Germany. After the boom in the pandemic, he observes the rising energy costs and the lack of staff in the restaurants with concern. For Lieferando boss Hauke, it is the best time to take risks.

Lieferando is the company that has remained the winner after the fierce competition between food delivery services in German-speaking countries – with around 30,000 partner restaurants in 58 cities. Now the company, which belongs to the Dutch group Just Eat Takeaway, wants to expand its business.

“In the last two years, we have placed more orders with our restaurant partners than ever before,” says managing director Katharina Hauke ​​in the podcast “The hour zero”. “The trend of ordering food online is growing.”

However, the restaurants on the Lieferando platform are also struggling with problems such as rising energy costs, an effect that Hauke ​​believes has not yet had an impact: “We are not yet seeing a major increase in prices,” she says. “Inflation is not yet passed on one-to-one.”

Hauke ​​recommends that restaurants quickly establish a foothold beyond traditional hospitality if they have not already done so. “Just building on the dining room will no longer be enough,” she says. “It remains to be seen who can and will continue to expand their business.”

Anyone who offers their food on the Lieferando platform pays a commission of at least 13 percent. If he makes use of Lieferando’s delivery drivers, the fee more than doubles.

There is a strong incentive to deliver yourself – which, however, is difficult for many in view of the already large personnel problems. A problem that Lieferando also knows: “In individual cities we are always looking for drivers,” she says. However, it is even more difficult to get employees for the further development of the software.

Despite or maybe even because of the tense situation, Lieferando is now focusing on new business models. A pilot project for food deliveries is running in Berlin – a concept that is actually considered delicate after the problems of other providers. “We also do this business with care. We don’t do the delivery in 10 minutes because the consumer doesn’t really ask for it,” says Hauke, looking at previous short-term offers from other companies. Instead, a period of around 30 minutes is targeted and the deliveries are integrated into the “classic logistics business”.

Listen to the new episode of “The Zero Hour”

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