The corruption Airbus won’t let go of. After the company paid, in January, a fine of € 3.6 billion in France, the United Kingdom and the United States, have now the Airbus shareholders in the United States, the company sued. According to the Reuters news Agency, shareholder Andrew Kornecki in Federal court in Newark, New Jersey filed a class-action lawsuit.

Christian Schubert

economic correspondent in Paris.

F. A. Z. Twitter

He raises Airbus, the shareholders of just under four and a half years about the ability of the company to avoid accusations of corruption or to get a handle on, to mislead and, therefore, against American law led. Accused the President of Airbus CEO Guillaume Faury, his predecessor, Tom Enders and chief financial officer Dominik Asam and his predecessor Harald Wilhelm.

Airbus wanted to take the allegations with reference to a method not a position. After a year-long investigation, the company was sentenced in January because it is paid over many years, bribes, to sell its passenger aircraft or military device. Airbus has been held by the courts, however, benefit, from, 2014, courageously internal counter-measures initiated.