Former Prime Minister José María Aznar will celebrate his 70th birthday this Saturday with a “private celebration” at the Teatro Real, which will be attended by his family, his closest circle, the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo and former ministers, according to The Newspaper of Spain advanced and they have confirmed to Europa Press people invited to the event.

The celebration takes place just a week before the anniversary of Aznar’s victory in the 1996 general elections, with which he arrived at the Moncloa Palace for the first time. Some of the protagonists of that electoral triumph that took place on March 3, 27 years ago, will be at the party.

Sources close to Aznar (Madrid, February 25, 1953) have refused to give details about the appointment this Saturday at the Teatro Real, stressing that it is a “private celebration” on the occasion of his 70th birthday.

Apart from his family, former PP ministers will also attend, some of whom are around the same age or even older. “I have not celebrated my last birthday”, assures Europa Press one of the guests, who adds that 70 years is a round number because it opens a decade and deserves celebration.

Among the guests will be Feijóo, who will return to Madrid from Santiago de Compostela, where he plans to participate in the presentation of the heads of the list and candidates for the Galician mayoralties of the ‘popular’ before the elections on May 28.

Feijóo has exhibited great harmony with Aznar in recent months and has recalled in various events that with the arrival of the PP in Moncloa in 1996 he appointed him president of the National Institute of Health (Insalud) and later of the Post Office.

The last time they were photographed together was the weekend of February 4 and 5 in Valencia on the occasion of a PP Intermunicipal. There Feijóo achieved a joint snapshot of Aznar with Mariano Rajoy after many years of estrangement.

In his speech, Aznar called his successor “dear friend” and “colleague from so many battles and so many years” while Rajoy thanked him for appointing him several times as minister and even vice president of the Government. The two called for “without fissures” and “without reservations” support for Feijóo. On the night of February 4, the leader of the PP brought them together again for a “distended” dinner to which the territorial ‘barons’ of the PP also joined, according to sources from the formation.

Aznar and Rajoy are committed to supporting Alberto Núñez Feijóo in this year’s elections and both have expressed their willingness to participate in the events and party rallies to which they are invited, according to ‘popular’ sources.

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