PP and PSOE impose their version of the banking crisis in Spain and accuse Cs and we Can skip the covenant

Rodrigo Rato invested in Bankia, less than 10% what he earned after boosting ipo

the Popular Party and The PSOE have reached an unusual agreement that is supposed to whiten your history black in the savings banks that precipitated the bank bailout that had to ask Spain to the EU. In the final report of the parliamentary commission of inquiry of the financial crisis ensures that, after 20 months of work and hearings, we can “refute the theory that the problem of the boxes was its politicization”. In his opinion, is “refuted the thesis about the political influence as the cause explaining the larger impact of the crisis in the savings banks”, according to the report, which he has had access to THE WORLD.

Then what happened at Bankia, chaired by Rodrigo Rato (PP)? do you or Catalunya Caixa, led by Narcis Serra (PSOE), among many other examples? “What is behind the bad practice that happened in many credit institutions, both banks and savings banks, are certain groups of people with very specific motivations and interests”.

Then wouldn’t had to see that they were not professionals, but political taxes in the boxes for the games? The opinion concedes that “the presence and influence of the public authorities or supporters (especially in the levels of regional and local) was something that was widespread and it has been noted that this data was not necessarily positive.” But, immediately after relativizes the problem. “Although the preparation and ability of the members of the organs of government may be relevant to the good running of the entities, since they are the key decision-makers in the tasks of control, this relationship does not imply that the authority of certain public institutions in the direct appointment of councillors to be negative of itself”.

Is more, “in relation to the management, the professionalism of the senior managers of the savings banks was similar to the one that had the address boxes of the banks. The assumption of bad practices and making wrong decisions does not depend on, as well as the level of training, but other motivations and inertia”.

In regards to Bankia, that have been condemned by the Black both directors appointed at the proposal of the PP and the PSOE and IU, the opinion points out that “governance was highly flawed” and “had obvious shortcomings in corporate governance practices prior to the nationalisation of the group.”

The opinion has counted with the votes of PP and PSOE, but with the contrary Citizens and the abstention of we Can. The president of the commission, the deputy Ana Oramas, has presented to Citizens and We as parties that do not comply with their word, because “on Tuesday at 11 in the morning had given their conformity”. The spokesman of Citizens, Francisco de la Torre, denied having given their never such seen good and ensures that his group “cannot accept a report that will cripple vital issues such as the politicization of the boxes or what happened at Bankia, because it is not the height of what awaits the citizens of this commission.”

For his part, the mp Can Rosa Martinez was replaced by surprise at the close of the commission Alberto Garzón to announce that his group has not voted in favor, but abstained, not present in the opinion, “central issues”. “It is clipped in an obvious way all the story of bad practice (…) is not referred to just the mortgages, the preferred or evictions”. The opinion itself remains, as reported by THE WORLD last Wednesday, a thriller to the action of the supervisors, particularly the Bank of Spain. In his opinion, both the credit bubble as the real estate “remained under the responsibility of bodies of financial supervision, which did not meet their obligations in this regard.”

The stage of Jaime Caruana, appointed at the proposal of the PP, as Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, on the part of the PSOE, are censored in the opinion of the commission.

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