There is great concern about a gas shortage in Germany due to the scenario that Russia will stop all deliveries. But DIW energy expert Kemfert calms the fear. There are various aspects that can be counteracted.

From the point of view of energy economist Claudia Kemfert, a gas shortage does not necessarily have to occur even if Russia were to stop all gas deliveries to Germany. “Whether there really is a gas shortage depends on various aspects,” said the energy expert from the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW). These included, above all, the development of gas supply relationships with countries other than Russia, the constant filling of storage facilities and the saving of gas.

In addition, there are other options. “But if at least the first three components are done well, I don’t see that we actually have to have a gas shortage,” said Kemfert. Germany has started these measures or is already on the right track.

So far, Germany’s alternative sources of conventional natural gas have primarily included the Netherlands and Norway. In the case of liquid gas, Economics Minister Robert Habeck tried to find new supply relationships on a trip to Qatar in the spring. Whether, when and how much more gas will actually come from the emirate is an open question. The filling level of the German gas storage facilities is increasing slowly but steadily. It is currently around 65 percent.

The Federal Government and the Federal Network Agency have repeatedly called on consumers and industry to save energy. The President of the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce, Peter Adrian, asked private consumers and less energy-intensive companies to start saving energy consistently out of solidarity with industry. “There are real supply bottlenecks and our entire economy is threatened with a crisis of an unknown extent. The consequences of shutting down individual sectors or companies cannot be overseen,” said Adrian of the “Rheinische Post”.