Neighbors’ Day allows you to build ties with the neighborhood and get to know new people at the same time. Synonymous with sharing and mutual aid, some criminals even go so far as to pretend to be a neighbor to steal money from you.

As Neighbors’ Day approaches, which will take place on May 31, we explain this well-established method used by these crooks.

Targeting elderly people, the neighborhood scam uses the proximity between neighbors and, above all, the bond of trust between them. Fake courier scams, false calls for solidarity, false repairs, renovation scams, home scams… These well-oiled methods are becoming more and more widespread. 

After studying the neighborhood, the criminals attack vulnerable and isolated people, posing as a “sick neighbor”. To reach the victims, they invent sad stories, often linked to an accident. They will then pretend to need a large sum of money, urgently, to treat a loved one, in order to cover the health or travel costs linked to this accident. Victims affected by the criminal’s situation fall into the trap by giving money or worse, their bank details. 

A well-established scam which has already claimed 26 victims in Spain. The victims, elderly people, were defrauded by a young man who claimed to be the grandson of a neighbor in the building. The criminal actually gave details about the neighbor in question to deceive his victims and make them believe in a family link with the latter.

Following a complaint from an elderly man, an investigation was opened by the Spanish police last March. In total, this neighbor was defrauded of 650 euros by the thief. To achieve his ends, the criminal made him believe that he needed money for the hospitalization costs of his so-called grandfather. While the latter was on vacation, far from his home.

If you are faced with this situation, the first thing to do is not to provide your personal information and banking details. Do not hesitate to contact a trusted person in your neighborhood to warn them of what is happening. 

If in doubt about suspicious behavior, contact the police. Also warn your neighbors so they don’t get tricked in turn. 

As Neighbors Day approaches, you need to be vigilant about this scam.