
Your Lie in April, a musical adaptation of the popular manga series by Naoshi Arakawa, has been receiving positive reviews for its successful transition from page to stage. The story follows Kōsei, a talented but troubled pianist who is unable to play music after the death of his mother. Played by Zheng Xi Yong, Kōsei’s character is portrayed as charming and sarcastic, drawing the audience into his emotional journey.

The musical introduces Kaori, a violinist played by Mia Kobayashi, who brings a new energy to Kōsei’s life with her unconventional approach to music. The chemistry between Kōsei and Kaori is palpable, and their musical partnership becomes a central focus of the story. However, tragedy strikes, adding depth and emotion to their relationship.

While the characters of Kaori, Tsubaki, and Ryota are somewhat stereotypical, the emotional highs and lows they experience resonate with the audience. The blend of sorrow and optimism in their interactions creates a compelling narrative that keeps viewers engaged. The addition of anime graphics by video designer Dan Light adds a visual element to the production, enhancing the overall experience for the audience.

One of the standout moments in the musical is when Kōsei carries a sick Kaori to a hospital rooftop to watch the snow fall. This scene, beloved by fans of the manga, is beautifully portrayed on stage, capturing the poignancy of their relationship. The use of screens to depict Kōsei’s memories of his mother adds a haunting quality to the production, underscoring the emotional depth of the story.

Overall, Your Lie in April successfully condenses 22 episodes of anime into a two-and-a-half-hour show, thanks to the efforts of writers Riko Sakaguchi and Rinne B. Groff. The combination of poppy show tunes, classical music solos, choreography, and teen banter creates a unique and engaging experience for the audience. Despite some character changes from the source material, the musical effectively captures the essence of the original story.

Your Lie in April is currently playing at the Harold Pinter Theatre in London until 21 September. Don’t miss your chance to experience this heartfelt and captivating musical adaptation live on stage.