Between 30 and 40 million renters in the United States have to fear in the coming months, an eviction, such as renowned scientists have found. Reason for this is the Corona-crisis. Up to 43 per cent of all the tenement house could be consider affected, it said in a on Friday published study. It is the “perhaps the most serious accommodation crisis in the history” of the country, the threat, the experts warned from renowned institutions such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Princeton University.

the basis for the analysis are, therefore, especially surveys of tenants and their information to your financial Situation. Particularly strong for members of minority groups, including Black and Latinos are at risk.

A temporary prohibition of forced evictions at the Federal level for certain types of property expired at the end of July. Similar rules in several States are also expired. The Democrats in Congress have warned, therefore, that millions of Americans who have lost because of the Coronavirus pandemic, your Job and your income, it is threatened with forced eviction. In New York demonstrations are currently being held, calling for a stop of rent payments during the Corona-crisis.

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the negotiations on a further economic stimulus package that is intended to protect tenants once again, but failed. Government, Republicans and Democrats could not agree. America’s President, Donald Trump has announced that it is to protect tenants of certain real estate, on which the Federal government has influence, if necessary, via a regulation. The Democrats complain, however, that bankrupt tenants should be helped with financial resources, because an eviction would otherwise be postponed only. They offered to waive a trillion Dollar of their original claim of an aid package of around three trillion dollars. This offer, rejected the Republicans. It was a promising offer for the talks, said Finance Minister Steven Mnuchin.

The Republicans also want to equip the aid package only with a trillion dollars. “We are far apart,” said the Chairman of the house of representatives, the Democrat Nancy Pelosi. Her party colleague, Chuck Schumer, the Senate minority leader, spoke of “disappointing” talks. Mnuchin said, President Donald Trump wool agreement. “But, unfortunately, we have made no progress.” New conversations only make sense if the Democrats put forward new proposals. The aid package can pass Congress only if the Democrats agree with him. Donald Trump has threatened, the assistance by available to arrange. However, it is unclear whether the presidential provide sufficient power to set against the will of the Opposition to the aid package in force. It is special-include Unemployment benefits, liability protection for companies-protection for tenants, as well as the financing of schools and communities.

The Corona-pandemic has led the United States to mass unemployment and a severe economic slump.