The Government of the Community of Madrid considers it “very harsh” that while Spaniards suffer increasing fiscal pressure, the former Minister of Economy, Nadia Calviño, will enjoy lower taxation as president of the European Investment Bank (EIB), which is based in Luxembourg.

The Madrid Minister of Economy, Finance and Employment, Rocío Albert, referred to this issue in an interview with Servimedia.

This member of Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s Cabinet valued that Calviño, by becoming president of the EIB and paying taxes in Luxembourg, will pay less personal income tax than Spaniards or have more advantageous taxation in areas such as housing or pensions.

The counselor pointed out that the former vice president will do “what is appropriate” and “is not committing any illegality” if she pays taxes in Luxembourg, since “that is where she will pay taxes.”

However, he pointed out that “in recent years Spain’s tax pressure has not stopped growing” and it is “very hard” that “people who have had a lot to do” with it, like Calviño, are now going to enjoy taxation more advantageous.

He added that the former vice president is among those who “have been the cause or have been part” of the Government responsible for the “greater fiscal pressure” suffered by Spaniards. However, he insisted that the new president of the EIB will enjoy taxation that “corresponds” to her position.

Likewise, Albert affirms that it is “truly stupid” that Sumar proposes closing businesses on Sundays as part of its strategy for Spanish tourism in the coming years.

Sumar has presented in Congress a non-legal proposal that talks about reaching a State Pact for Fair, Sustainable and Inclusive Tourism 2024-2030. This initiative includes measures such as studying the closure of businesses on Sundays; reduce cruises and short flights, and “reflect” on the “existence of private jets.”

In this regard, Albert said that it is “truly stupid” to consider not opening on Sundays, since it is “one of the best things that has happened to the Community of Madrid” in recent years.

The Madrid counselor recalled that this “commercial freedom” has been applied in the region since 2008, which allows “each person and each individual to buy when they want and how they want”, which has given positive “results”.

He defended that this opening of shops on Sundays has allowed “retail trade to be very well compatible with medium and large stores”, so that “there is room for everyone.” “Depending on what you are going to buy at any given time, you are going to do it one way or another with the city,” he said, while pointing out that ending this would constitute a “brutal setback.”