David Broncano had to deal with a tense situation during the delivery of La Resistencia broadcast on Monday, January 30, in which Judeline was the guest. The driver of space

Sergio Bezos, the person in charge of the ‘preshow’ of the format and of interacting with the public, sent the person who had liked the worst to an uncomfortable seat. Javi, the chosen one, was on a stool and made several comments throughout the program. Although he and his colleagues initially played along, the presenter warned him that he could expel him.

The spectator began to sing at a certain moment, before which Broncano snapped: “Let’s see, please, shut up now. I’m starting to be on the edge of being thrown out. Things could start to turn and be expelled from the theater He could be kicked out, right?” Some of those present in the public encouraged him to do so.

His talk with Judeline continued, but was cut short by another interruption. The comedian commented: “Sorry, now we continue the interview. Can he be fired, right?” Bezos ended up approaching Javi to accompany him to the exit: “Give me your hand, let’s go… You’ve been terrible.” His partner indicated, “Don’t make it harder.”

The expelled collected his belongings and headed out of the theater. The audience applauded and Broncano insisted: “It’s not a joke, really throw him out, it’s not ironic. It’s not to continue the joke, it’s true. Let him go to his fucking house.” Grison added: “Hala, to El Hormiguero.”

The ball pool that is between the La Resistencia seats was occupied on January 30 by Rafa, a man whom David Broncano knew. The presenter revealed: “He is an event promoter and I think he is the first person who took me to perform in a bar in Spain. As a result of that, all this. I thank you a lot.” The aforementioned added: “I am the discoverer of him.”

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