Ana Rosa’s program dedicated part of its time on Monday, February 13, to the Goya 2023, delivered in Seville on Saturday the 11th. The host of the magazine spoke about the criticism of Berta Vázquez for her appearance on the carpet at the event. The format echoed certain fat-phobic comments about the actress that some users posted on the networks, with phrases like “she was much better thin” and “how did you get sirloin!”

Ana Rosa Quintana shared a reflection on the matter to introduce the topic: “Social networks sometimes bring the best and also the worst. It happened at the Goya gala with Berta Vázquez and her size change. There are people who are designed to evil, that is, it doesn’t matter what you do, what you say, what happens… It’s hate for hate’s sake”. She later pointed out that many people had defended her: “In the same way, a current of support and solidarity has also been created.”

The journalist commented after a video on the matter: “There are times when social networks contribute many things and others, as in this case, that they are a real dunghill. I think that these people must be ignored. They do not represent everyone.” She then continued to attack those who criticized the interpreter: “She is a coward who is masked, without her identity.”

In The Ana Rosa program they also talked about another actress whose appearance on the Goya 2023 carpet was highly commented, Sara Sálamo. The presenter expressed about the Canary Islands: “I do not understand that they criticize her because she does not wear makeup.” She then indicated with a laugh: “She doesn’t need it!”.

Quintana later sent the interpreter a message: “Sara, daughter, you can go without makeup.” In addition, she highlighted that what she had done is part of a trend that other celebrities follow: “Many people show themselves without makeup to claim that they are fine.”

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