Jaime, a 24-year-old from Cádiz who studies in Madrid, was one of the participants who went through First Dates in its delivery issued on Monday, February 13. One of his confessions after arriving at the restaurant in the Cuatro space caught the attention of Carlos Sobera.

The bachelor chatted with the presenter at the bar and shared that he was living in a student residence: “I’m having a pretty good time.” The Basque blurted out: “You must have gone to bed at six in the morning today.” The Andalusian said that he had dined with his classmates the day before and pointed out: “In Madrid it’s not like I’m flirting like I thought.”

The driver of the format asked him: “Do you have an ideal woman?” The young man quickly replied: “Isabel Díaz Ayuso.” After seeing Sobera’s reaction, he added: “I just like Cayetanas a little.” He later indicated that he was looking for a girl with a style similar to his and that he was “open to live experiences, to know without closing any kind of door.”

Jaime had dinner at First Dates with Paula, a 22-year-old student born in Seville who lives between Madrid and London. “I don’t care about the distance exactly the same,” she pointed out. First impressions of both were good. In addition, they discovered that they had many things in common.

The diner observed that his companion was wearing a pendant with musical notes, so they began to talk about their hobbies. He explained that he knows how to play electric and acoustic guitar: “I really like rock and blues.” She added: “I listen to literally everything.” In addition, the young woman told him that she played the trumpet in an orchestra.

The two subsequently spoke about their personal lives. Paula liked knowing that Jaime had had two stable relationships in the past and that he was willing to meet new people: “I see him as very open to everything… It’s something that makes me feel comfortable.” They also agreed that they were not jealous people.

One of the key questions that the man from Cádiz posed to his date was: “Do you know who Eric Clapton is?” She replied: “Man, of course.” The participant explained that she had once traveled to London just to see a concert by the artist at a festival. The single woman added: “I am one to do that kind of thing.”

When they had to face the final decision, the two diners confessed that they had been comfortable during dinner. Jaime shared that he would like to have a second date with Paula: “She seemed interesting to me, with the same desire to meet as I did.” She accepted her proposal: “Yes, I would get to know you a little more, I really liked you.”

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