After its premiere in 2001, everything indicates that Cuéntame will soon come to an end. While waiting for it to be confirmed by RTVE, a medium has revealed that the fiction is about to end and that the outcome will have the return of a very important character.

According to El Confidencial Digital, the RTVE Board of Directors will discuss in February what the end of production will be like. The idea is to end Cuéntame with a batch of five or six episodes that will be broadcast at Christmas. The chapters will be set in the last months of 1994 and will also include several time jumps.

The outlet also points out that Ricardo Gómez will give life to Carlitos again. The actor left the series in 2018 after 19 seasons. In an interview granted in 2022 to Semana, the interpreter was already asked if he would be willing to return to the series for the outcome. “If they propose it to me, we’ll see, of course. That doesn’t depend on me, it depends on them,” he declared. In another talk with Formula TV, he confessed that he would be “delighted” to resume his character. Imanol Arias, Ana Duato, Irene Visedo, Pablo Rivero and Asier Valdestilla, among others, make up the cast of fiction.

Cuéntame is the longest running prime time series in the history of television in Spain. In addition, in 2022 it broke a record, since no other national production in prime time had reached 400 episodes. In the world there are only three fictions in the same time slot that have achieved it: The Simpsons, Doctor Who and Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.

Through the life of the Alcántara family, Cuéntame reflects some of the most outstanding events in the recent history of Spain and the changes that Spaniards experienced in their lives. The story begins in 1968, while season 22 was already set in the 90s. Pepe Sancho, Elena Rivera, Pere Ponce, Javier Lorenzo, Víctor Garrido, Santiago Crespo, Pilar Punzano or Juan Echanove, among others, are some of the interpreters who have appeared in the different stages of Cuéntame.

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