This May 28, 2024, Santé Publique France published a new regional analysis on daily smoking among adults in France. An analysis covering the year 2021, the latest year of study. 

In France, 13% of deaths are “attributable to smoking” reveals the study. Furthermore, among people aged between 18 and 75, more than a quarter of the population (25.3%) smoke in France, a figure which has tended to stagnate recently. Furthermore, tobacco consumption varies according to region (see slideshow at the end of the article), but also according to gender. Regardless of where we live, men smoke more than women. Here is a comparison: 

Tobacco contains 7,000 products “harmful to health” alerting the league against cancer, with consequences that we no longer present: lung cancer, impact on the nervous system, leukemia or even liver cancer.  But the impact on health does not only affect smokers.

Passive smoking, involuntarily inhaled by people near a smoker, is not without consequences. This is why tobacco-free spaces are multiplying throughout France. In La Rochelle, for example, two of the city’s three beaches have been banned from smoking and vaping for several years during the summer period. Furthermore, many leisure sites are following the same trend: Disneyland Paris and Parc Astérix are now non-smoking. “Smoking areas” have been made available in all four corners of these amusement parks. 

Discover in our slideshow below the regions where the percentage of daily smokers is the highest according to figures from Santé Publique France. Note that Corsica is absent from the study. The results of the analysis relate to an analysis of a sample in each region. The sample size (people studied) varies between 873 and 3980 people, per region.