
Sales and marketing alignment in B2B organizations is a hot topic that many leaders believe is well-aligned, but the reality is quite different. A recent research study conducted over seven months revealed some alarming truths about the current state of alignment between sales and marketing teams.

Despite high perceptions of alignment from C-suite executives, the research found that there is a significant lack of actual alignment between sales and marketing teams. Issues such as lack of communication, teamwork, trust, and other essential qualities were identified as major barriers to achieving true alignment.

Furthermore, traditional sales and marketing alignment efforts are facing challenges from technological advancements, changing buyer behaviors, and evolving business models. These external forces are threatening to disrupt existing alignment efforts and introduce new dysfunctions.

The future of sales and marketing alignment may not look like traditional alignment at all. The research identified four potential paradigms (siloed, assimilated, subservient, and proportionate) that could govern the relationship between sales and marketing functions within B2B organizations. Each paradigm comes with its own set of pros and cons, requiring sales and marketing leaders to carefully consider their options moving forward.

For organizations looking to improve the partnership between sales and marketing, Forrester offers a new report titled “The Future Of Marketing And Sales Alignment.” This report provides insights and guidance on how to build a customer-focused partnership between marketing and sales within the organization.

If you are a Forrester client, you can access the full report and schedule a guidance session to discuss your plans for enhancing alignment between sales and marketing teams. It’s crucial for leaders in B2B organizations to address the current lack of alignment and prepare for the future challenges that may disrupt traditional alignment efforts. By understanding the truths about sales and marketing alignment and taking proactive steps to improve collaboration between these functions, organizations can set themselves up for success in the evolving B2B landscape.