
Unlock the Power of Effective Employee Rewards & Recognition – Key Findings Inside!

“Appreciation, Incentivization, Reinforcement and eMotional Connect clearly emerge as the enablers for executing Authentic & Impactful recognition programs!”

We are excited to present the results of our recent study on Employee Rewards and Recognition (R&R) practices, in partnership with Vantage Circle.

The study revealed some eye-opening insights:

• Less than 40% of R&R programs align with the behaviors prioritized by business leaders and managers, potentially causing a disconnect between desired outcomes (performance, productivity) and the program structure.
• More than 50% of R&R programs still rely on cash awards, indicating a significant opportunity to enhance the social and emotional value of recognition.
• Effective program design can amplify the impact of R&R programs by 2-3 times, while leveraging online platforms can boost effectiveness by 1.5-2 times.

Our in-depth report explores these key findings and provides actionable strategies and designs for optimizing your R&R initiatives. Additionally, it showcases best practices that can transform your company’s R&R efforts.