Just a few days ago, the car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz announced: Its employees can look forward to the highest bonus in the company’s history. The employees of the tuning subsidiary AMG have it even better. Your profit share is even higher.

The sports car manufacturer AMG paid its employees a higher profit-sharing bonus for the past year than the parent company Mercedes-Benz. The bonus is up to 8,000 euros per employee, explains an AMG spokeswoman to the newspaper “Stuttgarter Nachrichten”.

Just a few days ago, Mercedes-Benz announced that around 93,000 employees could look forward to a bonus of up to 7,300 euros. In the previous year the premium was 6000 euros. The money is to be transferred with the April fee. “With the highest profit sharing in the company’s history, we would like to thank you for your outstanding commitment and personal commitment,” said Sabine Kohleisen, Head of Human Resources, according to the announcement.

A lot was demanded of the workforce under difficult conditions, said the chairman of the general works council, Ergun Lümali. With the bonus, the employees would “participate appropriately in the success of the company”. Despite the uncertain economic situation, the carmaker was able to continue to rely on high sales prices in the past year and again raised its outlook for the full year in October.

The extremely profitable tuning subsidiary can also record economic success. According to the newspaper, AMG has proven to be the group’s driving force. The number of deliveries in the fourth quarter increased by 28 percent, twice as fast as in the new Mercedes top segment “top-end luxury”. The previous boss Philipp Schiemer says goodbye with excellent figures. His successor, Michael Schiebe, will take office on March 1st.