The first time that your child gets behind the wheel of an automobile is an exciting and nerve wracking time. It’s important that parents of young drivers are prepared and set a good example for their new drivers. Make sure you’ve done these five things before your new driver gets on the road! 

1.Notify your insurance company of the new driver

Drivers with a G1 license don’t require their own insurance, but you should make sure that they are covered as an occasional driver through your own insurance policy. According to MADD, “Young people have the highest rates of traffic injury per capita among all age groups.” Check with your insurance provider and add any teen drivers that may be behind the wheel of your vehicle. 

2.Set a good example

New drivers take their driving cues from those around them. Seasoned drivers tend to relax as they become comfortable driving, and are less likely to follow driving laws to the letter. While your teen is learning to drive, pay extra attention to the way that you drive, and explain to them the things you’re paying attention to while on the road. Have your teen sit in the front seat while you’re driving in tricky situations, like heavy traffic or navigating around an accident. 

3.Practice in easy settings

The first time you take your teen driving, make sure it’s during a low traffic time of day where your new driver is least likely to get into an accident. A great way to practice driving is to go to an empty parking lot. You can practice signaling, gradual stopping, and stop the car at any point to correct mistakes without worrying about other drivers or vehicles on the road. 

4.Don’t skip out on the classes

Driving courses can cost your family a pretty penny, but they can also save you a whole lot once your teen has passed their driving test and requires insurance. According to Young Drivers of Canada, “A driver training course can save you hundreds of dollars or roughly 10-20% of your car insurance.” Talk to your insurance provider to find out what the difference on your premium would be, and compare car insurance rates to see if switching to another provider could give you a cheaper package. 

5.Have a serious conversation about texting and driving

Texting and driving is a huge problem, especially for new drivers. According to Global News

“Studies have shown that drivers are up to 23 times more likely to get into a collision when they text and drive. According to the National Safety Council, 26 per cent of all crashes involve phone use.” 

Have a serious conversation with your teens about how dangerous texting and driving is. Make sure that they are clear on the rules for phone use in the car, and make sure to set an example by not using your phone in the car either. For the first few months of driving, even the hands-free options should be turned off to maximize concentration. 

Making sure that you discuss and prepare with your teen before they get on the road is the best way to ensure that the stay safe while driving. It’s also one of the best ways to lower your insurance rates. Having a driver that is prepared and knowledgeable will help your premiums stay low. If your child is already on the road and you think your insurance rates are high, talk to your provider, or compare insurance rates to find a cheaper rate.