Which studies should I choose after baccalaureate 3/4? How to choose your master’s degree and your establishment? How to choose your specialization? To answer these questions, “Le Monde” invites you to participate in the Salon des Masters et MS, at the Paris Montreuil Expo, on Saturday January 27, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

A selection of nearly 70 higher education establishments and 3,000 coursesFinance, marketing, communication, digital, international relations, human resources, law, management, science, technology… Grandes écoles and universities will be present with their training managers and their students to allow you to discuss programs, admission procedures and professional perspectives.

Conferences led by journalists from Le Monde Surrounded by representatives of establishments, specialist journalists from Le Monde will host the conferences and answer questions from the public.

On the program: “Selection for a master’s degree at university, how to stand out? »“Doing a specialized master’s degree in a major school, what added value? » “Engineering school: which master’s degree to specialize in? » “Following your master’s degree in apprenticeship: advantages and disadvantages” “Universities, instructions for the “my master’s” platform A coaching area will be present to help you put together your application file, prepare for your interviews but also obtain all the advice to pass the Tage Mage, Toeic… tests.

Entrance is free, upon registration