
A Winsford woman sought the help of paranormal investigators to rid her home of an evil spirit that had taken control of her life. Sadie, a mother of four, initially turned to a witch for psychic readings to cope with the loss of her aunt in 2018. However, what began as an attempt to find solace soon turned into a nightmare as a ‘dark entity’ invaded her semi-detached Victorian house, leading Sadie to make drastic changes to her appearance and her living space.

Sadie’s Haunting Ordeal

Sadie described feeling the presence of a male entity that loomed large and close, causing her to witness shadows darting past and hearing eerie scratching noises in the night. Her children were also affected, frequently waking up in tears. The once bright and airy home transformed into a dark, foreboding space as Sadie painted the walls in somber shades of grey and black, reflecting the sinister influence that seemed to have taken root in her life.

The situation escalated when Sadie impulsively tattooed the word ‘insane’ on her face, a decision that even her mother disapproved of. The rift caused by the entity’s hold over Sadie’s life extended to her relationship with her mother, leading to conflicts whenever she visited the haunted house. Concerned about the negative energy permeating the property, Sadie decided to seek professional help in the form of paranormal investigators.

Paranormal Investigation

In an episode of “Help! My House is Haunted,” aired on September 20, Sadie welcomed paranormal investigators Barri Ghai, Jayne Harris, and Ian Shaw into her home. Upon entering the residence, psychic medium Ian Shaw immediately sensed the heavy, oppressive energy that filled the space, raising concerns about the presence of a potentially malevolent entity. The team set up cameras throughout the house, including a structured light sensor (SLS) camera to detect any paranormal activity.

During their investigation, the team experienced chilling encounters, such as the attic door slamming shut unexpectedly, seemingly trapping one of the investigators. In an attempt to communicate with the entity, the team utilized an Alice Box, a device that purportedly allows spirits to interact by flashing lights onto a speaker in response to questions. As the evening progressed, the investigators decided that severing the tie between Sadie and the spirit was necessary to banish it from the property.

The Ritual of Release

Jayne Harris, a member of the paranormal investigation team, conducted an ancient cord-cutting ritual to sever the connection between Sadie and the malevolent entity haunting her home. The ritual aimed to release Sadie from the influence of the spirit and restore peace to the household. Through this ceremony, the team hoped to break the hold the entity had over Sadie, freeing her from its oppressive presence.

The conclusion of the episode left viewers on edge, wondering if the ritual would succeed in banishing the evil spirit from Sadie’s home once and for all. The intensity of the investigation and the eerie encounters captured on camera served as a stark reminder of the unseen forces that can impact our lives and homes. The outcome of Sadie’s struggle with the supernatural forces that had invaded her life remained uncertain, leaving viewers intrigued and eager to learn the resolution of her haunting ordeal.

In the quest to rid her home of the malevolent entity that had taken control of her life, Sadie’s journey with the paranormal investigators shed light on the mysterious and unsettling experiences she had endured. The chilling encounters, unexplained phenomena, and the dramatic ritual of release showcased the power of belief, the resilience of the human spirit, and the enduring battle between light and darkness in the realm of the supernatural. As Sadie embarked on a quest for peace and liberation from the forces that plagued her, her story served as a cautionary tale of the dangers that lurk in the shadows and the courage required to confront them head-on.