The spotlight on the failed investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo has not only been taken by the leader of the ‘popular’ and the former mayor of Valladolid, Óscar Puente, nor has it been the only place in the Hemicycle. Patxi López was involved in one of the most tense moments on the second day of the investiture when she confronted a journalist and refused to answer his questions.

“I’m not going to answer anything to you and never,” Patxi López snapped at journalist Vito Quiles in the middle of the spokespersons’ press conference before the press to evaluate the day. “I have seen, and I am going to tell you to your face, I have seen some of your tweets when the Spanish team played and beat Georgia with racist content in such a way that I am not going to respect a racist by answering their questions,” he asserted. the socialist spokesperson, visibly angry.

Patxi López then left the room and did not allow any more questions. Minutes later, López’s words had a huge impact on social networks.

López was referring to a tweet by Quiles from more than two weeks ago, after Spain’s defeat of Georgia. The journalist published a photograph of the match in which Lamine Yamal, FC Barcelona footballer, and Nico Williams, Athletic Club footballer, appeared, celebrating one of the goals.

The supposed tweet to which López refers, and which no longer appears, although several users took a screenshot, said the following: “But what Spanish team is this? It seems like a joke in bad taste.”

Quiles has argued why he posted that tweet that the socialist has made him ugly and why he believes that person “should not be in the National Team.” He assures that in no case did he mean to refer to “the skin color” of the player Lamine Yamal, which is who that tweet was dedicated to.

Although Quiles has not had the opportunity to respond to Patxi López, shortly afterwards, again on Twitter, he described what the socialist spokesperson had done as “very serious”: “Very serious. Patxi López insults me in Congress when asking about the amnesty. “The anti-democratic treatment of the uncomfortable press is incredible. I am going to denounce him for insults.”

The journalist’s anger has not ended there. Shortly after, he also published a video in which he explained that what he wanted to ask López was “if the PSOE is going to vote with voting discipline when many of them said it was outside the law.”

Both in the video and in a photo that he posted afterwards, Quiles is accompanied by his “best friend”, the journalist Bertrand Ndongo, and together they mock the words of the socialist spokesperson: “This is an idiot (…) Patxi López is stupid “You’re going to be a racist if you’re my best friend! Come on, Patxi, leave the blacks, leave racism, it’s not your thing. Take the nuts and do your thing.”

“You see the racism. It is an absolute shame that they insult a journalist like this. Something never seen before in a democracy. That they insult a journalist in a democracy for doing his job and for asking questions. Nothing, Patxi, I am going to denounce you for what you have done. said,” the video concludes.