
Megan Robinson has been sober for two years. More and more young people are choosing not to drink alcohol, even at festivals like Latitude in Suffolk. The organizers of the festival have noticed this trend and have set up two bars dedicated to non-alcoholic drinks. They are also hosting Alcoholics Anonymous meetings at the festival for the first time.

Megan, along with her best friend Charlotte, is enjoying the festival without the need for alcohol. Megan, who is in recovery, only socializes with like-minded individuals. She believes in the sober movement and appreciates the lack of pressure to drink. Charlotte, who used alcohol to cope with anxiety in the past, now feels more comfortable and confident staying sober at social events.

Taylor Bowmaker, another festival-goer, has decided to stay sober at Latitude to fully experience the activities and be healthier. She wants to feel more alive, be present, and remember everything.

Statistics show that there are more non-drinkers in their late teens and 20s than in the last decade. Young people are statistically less likely to drink compared to older age groups. John Thursfield, who stopped drinking five years ago, is enjoying the festival with his son and saving money on alcohol-free drinks. Mandy Manners, a life coach, is hosting a discussion panel at the festival about living a sober and happy life. She emphasizes the empowerment of dancing sober and believes more young people are choosing sobriety due to health concerns and mental health awareness.

Sam Phillips, who started drinking at a young age to cope with anxiety, is sharing his story at Latitude in the hopes that young people can learn from his mistakes. He struggled with mental health issues and alcohol reliance but has been sober for three years now. He believes that being sober is now seen as cool for the younger generation.

Overall, the trend of enjoying festivals sober is growing among young people. With more support and resources available, individuals can have a great time without the need for alcohol. Latitude Festival and its attendees are embracing sobriety, promoting mental health and well-being, and creating a safe and inclusive environment for everyone to enjoy.