China continues to pursue a zero-Covid strategy. Again and again, lockdowns are declared at lightning speed on company and event sites. Visitors to Disneyland in Shanghai are now feeling this too.

Visitors to the Disney theme and holiday park in Shanghai were surprised by a corona lockdown. The Shanghai city government said they were only allowed to leave the Disney resort if the results of the corona tests carried out on site were negative. Everyone who has arrived at the theme park since Thursday must therefore be tested negative for the corona virus on three consecutive days. Visitors were also asked to avoid “group activities”.

Disneyland Shanghai previously announced that the park would be “temporarily closed with immediate effect in accordance with disease control requirements.” We will inform guests as soon as we have a confirmed date for operations to resume.

The 390-acre theme park includes Shanghai Disneyland, Disneytown and Wishing Star Park. According to the operator, the number of visitors to the facility had already been restricted before the lockdown due to the applicable corona regulations.

China is the last major economy to adopt a strict zero-Covid strategy. Even with a small number of corona infections, the authorities impose lockdowns and order mass tests and long quarantines. This Monday, 2,699 local corona infections were registered in the most populous country on earth, including ten asymptomatic cases in the economic metropolis of Shanghai.

The sudden lockdowns have seen people flee stores – including a Shanghai branch of Swedish furniture giant Ikea – and workplaces to avoid being trapped. In the eastern Chinese metropolis of Zhengzhou, employees of the Apple supplier Foxconn recently fled after a corona lockdown.