
Heston Blumenthal recently shared a harrowing experience on The One Show, where he opened up about being sectioned for his own safety at the hands of his wife, Melanie Ceysson. The celebrity chef, who revealed his bipolar diagnosis, tearfully recounted the shocking moment when he was met at the door by a police officer, firefighters, and a doctor with a syringe ready to sedate him.

Blumenthal, 58, explained that his highs and lows were becoming more extreme and frequent, leading to hallucinations, paranoia, and suicidal thoughts. His wife made the tough decision to have him sectioned, a process that involved him being sedated and waking up in the hospital. Despite the difficult experience, Blumenthal expressed gratitude towards his wife for saving his life and acknowledged that his bipolar disorder has contributed to his creativity.

The chef hopes that by speaking about his struggles, he can raise awareness about bipolar disorder and change the way society views the condition. Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression, is a serious mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings.

In addition to Blumenthal’s revelations, The One Show also featured The Repair Shop’s Will Kirk, who shared that he is hand-carving wooden toys for his daughter’s upcoming birthday. Kirk, a restoration expert, mentioned that he is working on a special project for his daughter, who will be turning two soon. Despite the effort put into creating the toys, Kirk joked that his daughter might still prefer a mobile phone as a gift.

The One Show airs on BBC One at 7pm from Monday to Friday, offering a mix of entertainment, interviews, and human interest stories. The show provides a platform for guests like Blumenthal and Kirk to share personal experiences and connect with viewers on a deeper level.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, it’s important to seek support. The Samaritans offer confidential emotional support and can be reached at any time by calling 116 123 or emailing

Overall, the episode of The One Show highlighted the importance of mental health awareness and the challenges individuals like Blumenthal face in dealing with conditions like bipolar disorder. By sharing their stories, guests like Blumenthal and Kirk help destigmatize mental health issues and encourage open conversations about well-being and self-care.