
Awkwafina and Sandra Oh, two talented actresses, found cultural sensitivity and laughs in the movie “Quiz Lady.” The initial script presented to Sandra by Awkwafina featured two estranged sisters, Anne and Jenny, teaming up to settle their mother’s gambling debt and rescue Anne’s dog, Mr. Linguini. The story, originally written for white actors, underwent a transformation during brainstorming sessions with director Jessica Yu.

Awkwafina and Sandra shared personal stories to enhance the authenticity and cultural sensitivity of the characters. They wanted to portray mixed Asian characters who were not stereotypically successful or smart. The exploration of their working-class background and strained sisterly relationship was crucial to their performances.

To prepare for her role as Jenny, Sandra worked with a clown coach to embody the character’s physicality and personality traits. Awkwafina, on the other hand, related to her character Anne’s avoidance of chaos and self-image issues. The duo’s on-screen chemistry and improvisational skills added depth and humor to the film.

The inclusion of Paul Reubens in a cameo role added a nostalgic touch to the movie, as both Awkwafina and Jen admired him growing up. The scene where Anne and Jenny play charades on the game show “Can’t Stop the Quiz” was entirely improvised, showcasing the actresses’ spontaneity and comedic timing.

Throughout the filming process, Awkwafina and Sandra incorporated improvisation into their performances, providing the filmmakers with a wealth of material to work with. Their dedication to bringing authenticity and humor to their roles made “Quiz Lady” a memorable and entertaining movie experience.

In conclusion, Awkwafina and Sandra Oh’s collaboration on “Quiz Lady” not only brought cultural sensitivity and authenticity to the screen but also showcased their comedic talents and improvisational skills. The movie’s success can be attributed to the actresses’ commitment to their characters and their ability to connect with the audience on a personal level.