During the night, a seriously injured man in Berlin has to be taken to the hospital with a stab wound. He had been stabbed in a gym. According to consistent reports, it is a member of the Remmo clan. He is being guarded in the clinic.

A member of the well-known Arab Remmo clan is said to have been stabbed in a Berlin gym. This was reported by the police union (GdP) and various media. The police have not yet released any further information.

The seriously injured victim is said to have suffered a stab in the stomach during the attack on Wednesday night, writes the “Tagesspiegel”. According to the report, the 24-year-old was taken to the hospital from the gym in the south of the Prenzlauer Berg district near the well-known Soho House. In the clinic, the person concerned is being guarded by the police, it is said.

The background is not yet known. According to the “Tagesspiegel” the State Criminal Police Office is looking for a Lebanese man who is also known to the police. The “B.Z.” The victim is said to be a man who was tried in 2019 on charges of murder and was acquitted. The then 21-year-old was charged because his DNA had been found on the body of the father of another extended family who had been killed. The victim was beaten to death outside his home in May 2017.

The GdP said: “The incident does not surprise us, because we are talking about young men who express a large portion of testosterone in conflicts and competitive situations and who like to be clarified by using weapons. At least we fall not a fitness exercise that you compulsively have to have a knife with you.”

The Remmo clan has repeatedly been involved in disputes with other extended families in recent years. Relatives are accused of various crimes, such as stealing diamonds from the Green Vault in Dresden. Members of the Remmo family were convicted, among other things, after the burglary in the Bode Museum in Berlin, in which the 100-kilogram “Big Maple Leaf” gold coin was stolen.

For years, the family has also been arguing with the Neukölln district office about a villa in the Buckow district. She had been confiscated by the judiciary, and the house was said to have been bought with illegal funds. The villa has therefore belonged to the state of Berlin since 2020. The family is defending itself against an eviction lawsuit.