The fires roared through this year 48.100 ha, the record of the last decade in Galicia

Mythology, legends and some truth about the causes of the fires in Galicia

The Unit of the Autonomous Police of Galicia has a second suspicious by the wave of fires that last week ravaged 35.500 hectares of Galicia. This is a woman septuagenaria that has not been stopped, but it does figure as investigated, the ancient figure of the accused.

Sources of the Vice-president of the regional Government have confirmed to ELMUNDO that one of the investigations that follows the Police Autonomous community of Vigo is to clarify the actions of this woman, who is already suspect of the quality of investigated for having caused a fire Sunday, October 15, day black fire in Galicia.

The woman, according to these same sources, is 74 years old and is also being investigated by other fires, although they have not transcended details of when it occurred or of the affected area.

The day 15 that became the suspect is originated on a farm of his property in the parish of Petelos, in the city of Mos, in the area of influence of Vigo, but then it spread to other contiguous lands. According to initial investigations, gathered, swept a small area of land.

The fire would be started the same day that the caused by the up to now only stopped by the wave of fires in Galicia, the neighbor of Vigo Miguel Angel Martínez Novoa, in custody and without bail as an alleged perpetrator of a crime of forest fire of special gravity.

That day began in Galicia 132 foci of fire, almost all caused, according to data handled by the Government. In all of that weekend burned in two days 35.500 hectares of monte in the four galician provinces, being A Coruña the least affected.