A young woman in the USA wants to donate a kidney to her father, which he urgently needs. But the father does not want to endanger the daughter and refuses. After all, he can be operated on and only then does he find out who the donor of the organ is.

A young Missouri woman secretly donated a kidney to her father, likely saving his life. When John Ivanowski was diagnosed with severe kidney disease two years ago, his daughter Delayne knew she wanted to help him.

However, the nurse’s plan falls on deaf ears. Because the father had already lost a son who had died of cancer 15 years ago. “I thought I lost my boy and if anything happened to Delayne I don’t know what I would do,” he said on the television show Good Morning America. Despite his poor prognosis, John kept telling his daughter that he didn’t want her to donate a kidney to him.

So, Delaney Ivanowski went about her business in secret. “I was like, ‘I’m going to do it. I don’t care how mad he is at me,'” Delayne told ABC News. “At least he’ll have a good life and not be hooked to a machine,” she added. For nine months she went through all the tests and examinations necessary to become a donor.

Her father John now had to have dialysis three times a week, and his condition continued to deteriorate. Eventually, Delayne learned that she was a suitable donor for her father. The operation was scheduled for October 30, 2022, but had to be postponed because her father fell from a tree and injured himself. But on February 16, 2023, the time had come. John Ivanowski received a new kidney.

An almost five-minute Tiktok video shows his daughter coming to his bedside after her surgery. The father cries when he understands that the organ came from his daughter. “I knew it right away,” John told ABC News. “I was upset. I was shocked.”

In the meantime, Delayne Ivanowski had also set up a donation page with which she wants to be able to cover the hospital costs. In the meantime, almost 15,000 US dollars have been raised there, the original donation goal was 5000 dollars. She thanked everyone who helped her parents with the medical bills for both procedures. As a daughter, she knows how much her mother and father have done for her in their 25 years of life. “It’s important to me to do everything in my power to help them through this stressful time.” John Ivanowski has since come to terms with the fact that his daughter gave him one of her kidneys. “I wouldn’t change anything,” he said. “I feel so much better.”