Volkswagen is to stop producing combustion engines by 2030. Greenpeace wants to achieve this at the Braunschweig district court – but is now failing before the court. The environmental organization is not satisfied and announces further legal steps.
The Braunschweig district court has dismissed a lawsuit supported by Greenpeace for more climate protection at Volkswagen. “The lawsuit is admissible in essential parts, but has no success in substance,” the court said. Greenpeace and one of the four plaintiffs announced further legal action against VW.
The plaintiffs, supported by environmentalists, are demanding that VW no longer produce combustion engines by 2030 at the latest. In addition, VW is to be obliged to reduce its own CO2 emissions by 65 percent by 2030 compared to 2018.
The lawsuit was also based on the climate judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court, which ruled in 2021 that future generations have a right to climate protection. The plaintiffs argued with the protection of their liberties and property rights, which they see threatened by climate change. With the CO2 emissions from its cars, Volkswagen is making a significant contribution to global warming.
The court explained that it left open whether Volkswagen could actually be held responsible for damage caused by climate change. In any case, the plaintiffs would have to put up with the CO2 emissions and “any impairment of their legal interests” caused by climate change. Because the federal government has fulfilled its obligation to protect the citizens in the sense of the climate judgment of the constitutional court with the Federal Climate Protection Act.
And Volkswagen, in turn, adheres to “the applicable public law regulations,” the court said. “The obligations of a private company do not go further than the state’s obligations to protect arising directly from fundamental rights.”
Greenpeace and the plaintiff Roland Hipp do not want to be satisfied with that. “Climate-damaging corporations like Volkswagen have a responsibility to reduce their CO2 emissions much more quickly and to end their fossil fuel business model,” explained Hipp. “This is the only way to slow down the climate crisis.” He reiterated his demand that VW must stop selling millions of climate-damaging combustion engines by 2030 at the latest.
Greenpeace also supports an organic farmer’s lawsuit against VW in the Detmold district court. The court plans to announce its decision on February 24. The farmer also wants to use the lawsuit to ensure that VW no longer produces cars with combustion engines by 2030.